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Hello and welcome to my spot! What do you do when times get tough? Do you get going or do you give up? I believe that tough times happen for a reason: to make us tougher! In personal training, my client doesn't know what their strength threshold is unless they lift weights! Same for us, the greater weight we lift, the more we strengthen our spiritual muscle!

Check out my piece below, What Tough People Do In Tough Times. And be sure to let me know your thoughts!

And, just in time for Christmas, my book Brotha2Brotha, Becoming Healthy Men from the Inside Out, and No Glory Without A Story, is now marked down! See the link below.

Stay up!


Sunday, June 5, 2011

W. Eric Croomes Announces Non-Profit Unmarried/Divorced Fathers Support Group

New non-profit to advocate for stronger father-child relationships.
Arlington, Texas (TheVillageReport.Net) June 10, 2011Their Eyes Were Watching Daddy, a new non-profit founded by author W. Eric Croomes, will advocate for stronger father-child relationships in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
The concept of Their Eyes Were Watching Daddy was birthed from the founder’s desire to provide resources to unmarried/divorced fathers who want to remain relevant in the lives of their children.  It is premised on the fact that children form an inimitable bond with their fathers from birth and that fathers must be present and accounted for in the lives of their children.

Their Eyes Were Watching Daddy will meet once a month at a local venue to discuss ways that fathers can interact with their children without interference, legal remedies to safeguard father/child relationships, father’s rights, and general support and prayer.  The support group will be open to all men.

W. Eric Croomes is a motivational speaker, social critic, certified fitness consultant, best-selling author and editor in chief of TheVillageReport.Net. He is also executive director of Their Eyes Were Watching Daddy, a not-for-profit unmarried and divorced fathers support group.

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